Visitor traffic and page views
Interest in the Nelson Mandela Foundation is fairly consistent throughout the year, with a drop off over the festive season. There is a peak of interest over Nelson Mandela International Day (18 July). The year 1 March 2016 to 16 February 2017 saw 1 549 341 users visit the Nelson Mandela Foundation website, 77.78% of them newcomers.
MANDELA DAY: Global interest in Nelson Mandela International Day (18 July) is immense. There were 106,701 users accessing the site between 1 March 2016 and 16 February 2017. Of these, 18.9% were new in that year. Visitors remain on-site an impressive 2.08 minutes, and the bounce rate is 63.31%. South Africa is the place from which most visits to the Nelson Mandela Foundation website originate (53.26%), followed by the United States at 8.8%.
Visitor sources
NELSON MANDELA FOUNDATION: Google organic search (not via advertising) accounts for the vast majority of access to the Nelson Mandela Foundation website (69.74%), which is good news. It means the “brand” is top of mind for many people. Coming in second is direct access (14.55% of visitors), which is also good news as it is likely these people have bookmarked the website. South Africa is where most visitors to the Nelson Mandela Foundation website come from (23.28%), followed closely by the United States (22.05%). The eight other countries in the top 10 come from the developed and the developing world.
MANDELA DAY: Google organic search (not via advertising) is the most common way the Mandela Day website is accessed. It accounts for 59.84% of access. Coming in second is direct access (24.05%). South Africa is the place from which most visits to the Nelson Mandela Foundation website originate (53.26%), followed by the United States at 8.8%.
Social media summaries
The Nelson Mandela (public gure) Facebook page grew from 8 226 093 likes on 2 March 2016 to 8 213 962 likes on 16 February 2017.
The Nelson Mandela Foundation Facebook page grew from 169 635 likes on 1 March 2016 to 16 February 2017’s 212 048.
The Nelson Mandela Twitter account grew from 1 285 954 followers in March 2016 1.38-million on 16 February 2017.
The Nelson Mandela Google+ account grew from 153 694 followers in March 2016 to 160 793 on 16 February 2017.
The Centre of Memory YouTube account grew from 1253093 views in March 2016 to 1485295 on 16 February 2017.
Audience overview

Looking at the graph, the global interest in Nelson Mandela International Day (18 July) is immediately obvious. For the rest of the year interest in the Nelson Mandela Foundation is fairly consistent, with a drop off over the festive season.
The year 1 March 2016 to 16 February 2017 saw 1 549 341 users visit the Nelson Mandela Foundation website, 22.2% of them newcomers. Each viewed 1.52 pages per session, with an impressive 3-million page views over the year.
Countries of origin

South Africa is where most visitors to the Nelson Mandela Foundation website come from (23.28%), followed closely by the United States (22.05%).
The eight other countries in the top 10 come from the developed and the developing world: Kenya, the United Kingdom, India, Australia, Canada, France and Denmark. There is one “not set” category, indicating the country of origin is not known.
Traffic sources

Google organic search (not via advertising) accounts for the vast majority of access to the Nelson Mandela Foundation website (69.74%), which is good news.
It means the “brand” is top of mind for many people. In second place is direct access (14.55% of visitors), which is also good news as it is likely these people have bookmarked the website
Most popular web pages

The Foundation’s biography of Nelson Mandela is its most popular website page, accounting for slightly over a third of visits (33.5%).
Audience overview

The graph shows clearly the large global interest in Nelson Mandela Day (18 July), with the build-up to the day itself also visible, which could possibly be ramped up in terms of interest.
There were 106 701 users accessing the site between 1 March 2016 and 16 February 2017. Of these, 18.9% were new in that year. Visitors remain on-site an impressive 2.08 minutes, and the bounce rate is 63.31%, which is lower than that for many sites.
Countries of origin

Most visits to the Nelson Mandela Day website (53.26%) originate from South Africa. This is followed by visits from the United States (8.8%).
Traffic sources

Google organic search (not via advertising) is the most common way the Mandela Day website is accessed via the internet. This means that the Mandela Day “brand” is in people’s minds before they search, which is a good sign. Google organic search accounts for 59.84% of access. Second is direct access (24.05%), which is likely to mean visitors have bookmarked the site – another great sign for the “brand”.
Most popular web pages

The “What is Mandela Day” page is by far the most common landing page (58.68% of users), with the “What can I do” page coming in second. Work, then, could be done on encouraging users to actually load activities
on to the page.
Both the Nelson Mandela Foundation and Mandela Day are strong brands, with interest from across the developed and developing world. The build-up to Mandela Day could possibly be stronger, but interest in both websites peaks around 18 July (Mandela Day).